About Our Pastor

Rev. Clinton Crawshaw was born in Woking, in the county of Surrey just to the southwest of London (UK) in 1970. He has two sisters, Natalie and Donna, and both parent, Alwyn and June are professional artists, broadcasters and authors.
He moved with his parents to Devonshire at age eleven, then ran back to London ASAP at age 21. Rev. Crawshaw went forward for ordination in The Church of England at age 30, and after studying at St Steven’s House, Oxford was ordained in 2002. He served as curate at St Alphage’s church, Burnt Oak for 18 months, during which time he began to question the Anglican position on human sexuality and pastoral care.
After much soul searching and a period of extended illness he transferred credentials to MCC in 2006, and has worked as chaplain at Carl Bean House, an HIV hospice in South Central Los Angeles, and interim Pastor of The MCC Church in New Orleans, which he saw grow (with the support and hard work of his partner Leon) from a post Katrina low of 11 members to a thriving congregation of 95 members.
In May 2011 he was called to serve the congregation of MCC of The Coachella Valley as intentional interim Specialist, and is privelaged to accompany that church through a period of intense growth and revival. In March 2013 he was invited to remain at MCCCV as permanent Senior Pastor.
Rev. Crawshaw’s interests are, theology, art, antiques, the great outdoors and his three dogs, Mardi (Puggle), Precious (Australian shepherd) and Zack (Keeshond).